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Category: News

U.N. ‘Secretly Working With Banks’ to Destroy American Food Industry

U.N. ‘Secretly Working With Banks’ to Destroy American Food Industry

(WND)—Farmers are under attack in multiple food-producing nations now. WND reported just days ago on a video that showed empty stores in France, where a climate agenda threatened the production processes...

icon Feb 06, 2024

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Three “Crazy” Reasons Beef Prices Are Going to Skyrocket

Three “Crazy” Reasons Beef Prices Are Going to Skyrocket

It doesn't matter how shocking beef prices are today. Tomorrow, they're almost certainly going to be even more shocking. In fact, the normalization of beef as a "premium" food is...

icon Feb 03, 2024

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How Freeze Dried Meat Stays Fresh and Nutritious for 25-Years

How Freeze Dried Meat Stays Fresh and Nutritious for 25-Years

Science can be amazing. There are many exceptions, especially when "the science" is weaponized to drive a nefarious agenda as we've learned over and over again in recent years, but...

icon Jan 29, 2024

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12 Strategies to Build the Ultimate Prepper Food Stockpile

12 Strategies to Build the Ultimate Prepper Food Stockpile

Article by Daisy Luther from The Organic Prepper cross-posted with permission. (The Organic Prepper)—In every relationship, there comes a time when you have to sit down and take a serious...

icon Jan 22, 2024

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Prepper Beef Company Starts Stockpiling Ribeye and NY Strip for Coming “Challenges”

Prepper Beef Company Starts Stockpiling Ribeye and NY Strip for Coming “Challenges”

2024 is starting off as a challenging year for cattle ranchers in America and the domino effect will push those challenges even further, according to reports coming from across the...

icon Jan 19, 2024

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The Number of Beef Cows in the U.S. Drops to the Lowest Level Since 1962 as the Global Food Crisis Intensifies

The Number of Beef Cows in the U.S. Drops to the Lowest Level Since 1962 as the Global Food Crisis Intensifies

This is just another reason Americans need to be stocking up on frozen AND freeze-dried beef. Americans need to be prepared to eat a lot less beef, because the size...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Farm Moratorium? Democrats Are Intentionally Destroying Our Food Supply Over “Climate Change”

Farm Moratorium? Democrats Are Intentionally Destroying Our Food Supply Over “Climate Change”

Editor's Commentary: A story from Oregon caught my attention because of its focus on diesel fuel and the energy crisis, but by the second paragraph I realized the bigger part...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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What’s Killing Cattle in Colorado While Leaving No Tracks?

What’s Killing Cattle in Colorado While Leaving No Tracks?

Editor's Note: Now is the time to stock up on both frozen beef for today and freeze-dried beef for the future. We're proudly the only company that does that in...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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As Food Shortages Mount, US Cattle Inventory Forecast Falls to Lowest Level in Nearly a Decade

As Food Shortages Mount, US Cattle Inventory Forecast Falls to Lowest Level in Nearly a Decade

Editor's Note: We just launched the only frozen AND freeze-dried beef company in America. As we sell the first 10 cows we slaughtered this week, EVERYTHING is on sale at...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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BIDENFLATION: American Hunger Soaring as Food Becomes Too Expensive for Many Families to Afford

BIDENFLATION: American Hunger Soaring as Food Becomes Too Expensive for Many Families to Afford

CMO's Commentary: THIS is just one of the reasons we have worked so hard over the past few weeks preparing to launch our frozen and freeze-dried beef company. As an...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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